
 Ønline Translation

Add Automatic Translation for your Foreign-Language Web Links for Free

Simple link

Working example:
Annuaire Google

  • Clicking the link will trigger a small console window allowing the user to view multiple translations of the specified page. Click on the link in the above box to see OmniLang in action.
  • By default, the console will open another window and initiate a translation automatically if the appropriate source and destination languages can be determined. The default can be overridden so that translation occurs only at the user's explicit request.
  • Every action takes place in a new window, so the original site is unaffected.
  • Users who do not have Javascript enabled will be presented with a link to the home page instead.
  • We cannot be held responsible for losses caused by the use of using OmniLang scripts, whether due to software bugs or service outages or any other reason. In other words, use at your own risk. Please send suggestions/bug reports to:
  1. Copy the HTML code in the box below and paste it where you want the link to appear on your page.
  2. In line 4, the variable omnilangFrom should be set to the language of the page to be translated. Just insert the corresponding 2-digit code (see table at right for a list of valid options).
    For example, if the page is in French, change that line to: var omnilangFrom='fr';
  3. In line 5, insert the URL to be translated. Note that the script will not work in the unlikely case that the URL contains a single-quote.
  4. To suppress auto-initiation of the translation, change the value of omnilangStart from "yes" to "no" in line 7.
  • You can change the link text or make other minor changes, but be careful doing so: if you introduce even a slight error, the script may not work at all.
  • Copying the code to the clipboard (Windows):
         first click on the text box; then highlight "all" (ctrl-A); then copy the highlighted text (ctrl-C).
    Pasting the text from the clipboard to your HTML page (Windows):
         open the page in a file editor; put the cursor where you want the text to go; paste (ctrl-V).


Chinese (Hanyu)zh
Croatian (Hrvatski)hr
Czech (Ceská)cs
Danish (Dansk)da
Dutch (Nederlands)nl
Finnish (Suomi)fi
French (Français)fr
German (Deutsch)de
Hungarian (Magyar)hu
Icelandic (Isländska)is
Japanese (Nihongo)ja
Norwegian (Norsk)no
Polish (Polski)pl
Portuguese (Português)pt
Romanian (Romana)ro
Russian (Russkij)ru
Serbian (Sprski)sr
Slovenian (Slovensko)ls
Spanish (Español)es
Swedish (Svenska)se
Turkish (Türkçe)tr

         Text, site design and software code copyright 2004 by John Malyon. The information on this site is a unique compilation of information and is protected by copyright worldwide.